I had been working on the right side of the painting mainly and when I went to attempt the left I screwed it up horrible out of improper planning.
However, in attempt to salvage some of my 'hard' work, I sliced and diced the painting and framed the portion.
The result :

Sorry for the crappy quality, The photo is in the frame which is raised from the scanner, ya know...making it blurry.
All in all, I am not too upset as I have re-thought my idea and with a few weeks still to work on this I feel confident I will have a more successful painting in the end.
Anyone want this one $$?
that looks great! i love it.
Im having so many problems with my painting(s), too. I'm thinking by the time is due ill end up with something totally different than what i had planned.
Good luck with your painting endeavors.
Hehe you like octopus/squids ehh =P this half looks greatt
Oh man, that looks so good, Spencer.
I decided to attempt a 'realistic' painting. MISTAKE. I redid it FIVE TIMES...and that's just the one painting. I am getting no sleep tomorrow night.
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